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30 August 2017

Pascal Analyzer v Delphi 5-XE7

Pascal Analyzer (PAL), was released in 2001, and is currently in version 7. This program parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and produces reports that help you understand your source code better. You will also be able to identify potential errors and anomalies. Your code will be more readable and maintainable. Pascal Analyzer can also check how coding standard guidelines are followed. The static code analysis performed by Pascal Analyzer can help you find bugs early in the development process. According to a study published in 2002 by America's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) software bugs cost to the American economy alone is $60 billion a year.
To summarize, Pascal Analyzer can:
  • Give faster time to market for new products
  • Improve application quality and reliability
  • Reduce overall cost of development, support, and maintenance

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Online-money exchange

AlphaControls v 12.15 D5-XE10.2 Source

A package of standard and unique components for professional GUI design development using AlphaSkins. AlphaControls is an easy-to-use universal and powerful tool for developing original skinned and non-skinned business/media applications. A lot of additional properties and components makes this package (and the applications that use it) unique.

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Graphics32 v 2.1.0 Delphi 7-XE10.2 FullSource

Graphics32 v 2.1.0 Delphi 7-XE10.2 FullSource


Graphics32 is a graphics library for Delphi and Lazarus. Optimized for  32-bit pixel formats, it provides fast operations with pixels and  graphic primitives. In most cases Graphics32 considerably outperforms  the standard TBitmap/TCanvas methods.

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Cara Migrasi database mySQL dari server Localhost ke database mySQL Server pada Komputer lain

Berikut ini adalah cara untuk memindah database dari server ke database mySQL Server pada Komputer lain.
untuk menggunakan aplikasiny silahkan download pada link berikut :
mySQL Workbench 5.2.47

mySQL Workbench 6.3.9  

  • 1) Buka menu Database utama pilih Migration Wizard 
  • 2) Untuk memulai proses migrasi, klik Start Migration
  •  3) pada Source selection. Menu dari database yang akan kita pindah.
       a. Database System : Pilihlah database yang akan anda

    pindahkan. contoh : mySQL

       b. Parameters  : Hostname : isi dengan localhost/

                                                   jika database di localhost

    komputer kita, bisa
    juga di isi
    dengan IP asal database
                                             Port           : port standar dari mySQL 3306
                                 Username : username yang digunakan saa
    masuk ke database kita

                                 Password  : apabila user mempunyai

    password, isikan password anda

                                                     dengan mengklik tombol

    Store in Vault

       c. Setelah selesai mengisi klik tombol next
Selanjutnya anda akan dihadapkan untuk persiapan koneksi dengan database mySQL yang ada di localhost.
Masukkan password anda sesuai dengan nama username yang telah dimasukkan tadi

  •  4) Target Selection yaitu tujuan dari migrasi database kita
      cara pengisiannya sama seperti pengisian pada
       Source selection.

Kemudian masukkan Password anda

  • 5) Tunggu proses connection sampai selesai. Kemudian klik
    tombol Next.
  •  6) Pilih database mana yang akan kita migrasi, 
         Contoh kita akan migrasi 2 database yaitu database absengaji dan database inventory. Setelah memilih database kemudian klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan proses.
  •  7) Tunggu proses untuk koneksi sampai selesai, kemudian klik
    tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
  •  8) Centang dan klik tombol Next
  •  9) Tunggu proses migrasi sampai selesai 
  •  10) Pada manual editing klik tombol Next untuk melewatinya.
  •  11) Centang pilihan Create schema in target RDBMS
  • 12) Tunggu proses sampai selesai kemudian klik tombol Next
  • 13)  untuk bagian Create Target Results ini langsung klik tombol next
  • 14) Centang pilihan Online copy of table data to target RDBMS

  •  15) Proses copy data kemudian klik tombol next apabila data telah tercopy

  •  16) Klik Finish untuk mengakhiri proses migrasi database dengan MySQL Workbench

  •  17) Periksa Database yang telah di migrasi
Online-money exchange

27 August 2017

Panduan mining di Hashflare

Panduan singkat mining di HASHFLARE

Berikut dibawah ini adalah panduan lengkap bagi anda yang ingin bergabung dengan hashflare untuk menghasilkan bitcoin dengan cepat dan mudah menggunakan jasa layanan cloud mining di hashflare.

Cara mendaftar akun HashFlare

1. Kunjungi situs HASHFLARE
2. Isi data lengkap, Baik itu email, negara, password akun, dan tanggal lahir, centang chapta seperti contoh dibawah ini
3. Setelah registrasi akun Berhasil, selanjutnya lakukan konfirmasi email, cek email dan konfirmasi email tersebut.

Cara Deposit HashFlare

1. Setelah email berhasil di konfirmasi, Lakukan pembelian Hash Power.
  • Klik Buy Hashrate
  • Pilih target yang ingin dibambang, di hashflare saat ini tersedia SHA-256, Script, Ethash, dan X11.
  • Di panduan kali ini saya memilih SHA-256, Karna target utama adalah untuk penambangan BITCOIN.

2. Selanjutnya pilih kecepatan Hash rate
  • Di tutorial kali ini saya coba membeli 1TH/s
  • Klik proceed
3. Selanjutnya akan muncul halaman konfirmasi secara detail untuk kontrak yang akan dibeli.
Klik select payment menthod untuk memilih metode pembayaran.
Ada 6 metode pembayaran pada hashflare, yaitu :
  • BTC
  • EMC
  • Wire transfer
  • Credit card
  • Web money
  • Payeer
Disini saya melakukan pembayaran dengan Bitcoin, Jika teman teman juga menggunakan bitcoin, silahkan klik pay with BTC

4. Selanjutnya akan muncul halaman konfirmasi pembayaran untuk menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan hashflare. Klik Confirm.

5. Selanjutnya akan muncul detail order kontrak.
  • Disana tertera diskripsi, harga, jumlah dan total harga yang harus dibayar.
  • Klik Pay with BTC
Online-money exchangers rating

Cindy Components v 8.20 Delphi 2009-XE10.2 FullSource


Packages with 78 components for all delphi versions (since D7) to build  Windows 32/64 bit applications: 
VCL controls (labels, buttons, panels, Edits, TabControls, StaticText)  with features like background gradient, colored bevels, wallpaper,  shadowText, caption orientation etc... 
TcyCommunicate and TcyCommRoomConnector allows communication between  applications running in same computer session. 
TcySearchFiles and TcyCopyfiles allow respectively search and copy files  with pause/resume/abort features.
TcyResizer allow move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009  does.
Advanced DB Express components (tested with mySQL) for easy table data  handling (tcyDbxTable or TcyDbxSimpleTable), schema modifications  (TcyDbxUpdateSql), reconcile handling (TcyDBXReconcileError) and table  creation (cyDbxImportDataset1). 
TcyMathParser can parse matematical expressions. 
TcyWebBrowser allows view/edit html documents. 
TcyDbAdvGrid is a DBGrid with advanced feature etc ...

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24 August 2017

Oracle Data Access Components ODAC v 9.4.14 Delphi 5-7 XE-XE7

Oracle Data Access Components

Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to Oracle from Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal) on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux, and FreeBSD for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. The ODAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and more native Oracle database applications.

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SecureBridge v 6.3.5 Delphi 5-XE10

SSH, SSL and SFTP Client and Server

SecureBridge represents clients and servers for SSH, SFTP and SSL protocols as a network security solution. It protects any TCP traffic using SSH or SSL secure transport layer protocols, that provide authentication for both client and server, strong data encryption, and data integrity verification. SecureBridge components can be used in conjunction with data access components to prevent data interception or modification in an untrusted network.
Our security solution is very convenient in setup and usage. It is enough to place several components on the form and specify the server address and the user login information to establish a secure connection. Applications that have to work with secure information are easy to deploy, as they do not require any external files.

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ZipForge v 6.80 XE8-XE10

Delphi ZIP component with full PKZip compatibility, zip / unzip, fast Deflate implementation, multi-disk, splitting, string AES encryption, Zip64, SFX, repair, streaming support, transaction system, ZIP password protection, progress indication and other useful features. ZipForge doesn't require DLLs, it compiles directly into EXE file. ZipForge is free for personal use Delphi ZIP component.

ZipForge main features:
  • Opens and creates archives encrypted with strong AES encryption algorithm
  • Zip64 supports - lets you create ZIP files over 4 GB
  • Unicode file names support
  • Includes transaction system which allows you to rollback changes if archive update failed
  • Adds compressed data directly from streams and extracts archived files to streams without creating temp files
  • Lets you store full path with drive for each file
  • Allows to search for files inside archive by mask
  • Progress indication
  • Full Delphi source code is available

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ZipForge v 6.80 XE8-XE10
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QuickReport v 5.06 Delphi 7-XE6 x32-x64

QuickReport v 5.06 Delphi 7-XE6 x32-x64

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QRDesign v 1.59.00 QR v 5.06 Delphi 7 - XE2-XE6 x32-x64

QRDesign v 1.59.00 QR v 5.06 Delphi 7 - XE2-XE6 x32-x64

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TMS Pack for FireMonkey v XE6-XE10.2

TMS Pack for FireMonkey Set of highly configurable and styleable components for cross-platform FireMonkey software development

Feature Overview

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Absolute Database v 7.80 XE10.2

Absolute Database
Delphi Database - BDE Alternative for Delphi and C++ Builder. No BDE (BDE replacement), no DLLs, SQL'92 (DDL and DML), single-user and multi-user (file-server), full compatibility with standard DB-aware controls, strong encryption, BLOBs compression, single-file database, high-speed, embedded database, high reliability, import / export capabilities, in-memory tables, unicode fields, unmatched ease of use, extensive documentation, large number of demos. This BDE alternative is free for personal use. Developer's Manual is available on our site.

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Download Absolute Database v 7.80 Single User Edition XE10.2 Source

Download Absolute Database v 7.80 Multi User Edition XE10.2 Source

Online-money exchangers rating

23 August 2017

SQL Server Data Access Components SDAC v 6.11.23 Delphi 7-XE8

SQL Server Data Access Components
SQL Server Data Access Components SDAC v 6.11.23 Delphi 7-XE8

SQL Server Data Access Components (SDAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to SQL Server from Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal) for Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit) and Mac OS X. SDAC-based applications connect to SQL Server directly through OLE DB, which is a native SQL Server interface. SDAC is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner SQL Server database applications.

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Download SDAC v.6.11.23.D7-XE7

Download SDAC v.6.11.23.XE8

SQLDirect v 6.5.1 Delphi 5-XE10.2 Full Source

SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero Delphi v.5 - 10, 2010, XE-XE10.1  and C++Builder v.5 - 2010, XE-XE10.1. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers:

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Digital currency exchange rating

UniDAC v 7.0.1 Delphi 6-XE10.2 Full Source

UniDAC v 7.0.1 Delphi 6-XE10.2 Full Source

Universal Data Access Components

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to multiple databases from Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal) on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux, and FreeBSD for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to multiple database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider). UniDAC offers unified approach to the database-related applications development process. That means you can switch easily between different databases in your projects without going deep into their specifics. Using UniDAC with its server-independent interface is the best way to create cross-database applications. UniDAC gives outstanding flexibility and independence to your projects.


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Electronic money exchanger

22 August 2017

Panduan mining Genesis Mining

Panduan Mining Bitcoin Di Genisis Mining

1. Kunjungi situs Genesis Mining

2. Bila belum mempunyai akun, klik Daftar pada tombol kanan atas
  • isi nama email
  • isi kata sandi (password)
  • isi ulangi kata sandi (password)
  • centang kotak chapta
  • kemudian klik tombol Daftar
3.  Lakukan konfirmasi email, hingga akun anda terverifikasi oleh pihak genesis mining.
4. Klik pada Beli Hashpower untuk kontrak jasa cloud mining.

5. Tentukan besaran GH/s yang ingin dikontrak, (minimal pembelian Hashpower 0,2 TH/s (200MH/s) dengan harga 30$ USD

6. Pilih metode pembayaran, metode pembayaran yang saya pilih adalah Bitcoin.
7. Pada panduan kali ini saya melakukan kontrak sebesar 0,2 TH/s dengan harga 30$ USD /  pada saat postingan ini dibuat, harga Cryptocoin dapat beubah-ubah.
Dan kontrak yang saya order berlaku untuk mining selamanya.

       Untuk mendapatkan promo genesis 3% masukkan kode :  9maIFq

Tampilan order kontrak disetuji

8. Setelah memilih metode pembayaran pilih continue untuk melanjutkan.
Gunakan kode promo agar anda bisa mendapatkan diskon biaya penyewaan jasa cloud mining di genesis mining.

Kode promo genesis mining (Promo 3%) : 9maIFq
9. Kirim Bitcoin yang sesuai dengan metode pembayaran yang anda pilih sebelumnya sesuai jumlah yang tertera. Tidak boleh kurang atau lebih harus pas ke alamat yang tertera pada saat anda konfirmasi orderan anda.
10. Jika anda sudah menyewa kontrak, atur alokasi pool-nya, anda tinggal tentukan jenis koin yang anda tambang, anda bisa atur lebih dari 1 jenis koin dengan total alokasi 100%, misal Bitcoin 50% dan Litecoin 50%.
Disini saya hanya mengalokasikan pada mining bitcoin 100%


 11. Jangan lupa menentukan alamat wallet yang akan menerima payout setiap harinya.

12. Jangan lupa menyimpan setiap anda melakukan perubahan. Untuk melihat riwayat pembayaran bisa dilihat di menu transaksi.
Dengan langkah-langkah diatas anda bisa mendapatkan layanan jasa cloud mining di Genesis Mining. Anda hanya perlu bersantai setelah melakukan Investasi dan menunggu pembayaran hasil investasi anda setiap harinya.

Bukti payout / pembayaran genesis mining


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